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GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. — Four puppies left in a suitcase on the side of a Guilford County home have now found their forever homes.
The Guilford County Animal Shelter said a good Samaritan found four puppies in a suitcase and brought them to the shelter last Saturday.
The puppies even had a suitcase theme to their names -- Tumi, Samsonite, Stowaway, and Carry-On.
"I was totally shocked, my first feelings were just anger. I couldn't believe someone would throw a suitcase full of puppies on the side of the road," said Debbie Miller, a volunteer at shelter.
All of the puppies have since been adopted. Two of the 10-week old black Labrador puppies, Tumi and Carion, were adopted by Greensboro residents Jordan Smith and Hank Ruparelia.
"These little girls needed a home, and so we felt really great to be able to get these two girls that had a really rough start and were treated horribly by somebody in the past," Jordan said.
Smith and Ruparelia's dog of 14 years died not long ago.
"Our previous dog was incredibly smart and would do whatever we asked her to do and she was just an angel, so we hope these little girls will grow into angels."
They didn't even know the full story about the suitcase until after they took the puppies home. They only saw some photos and decided they had to have them.
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